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Reverse - Nico Vink signature Grips

Pris 349,00 kr
Ink mva. :D Frakt kalkuleres ved utsjekk.


Nico Vink signature grips er laget etter Nico's spesifikasjoner.
De er no fuz, relativt tynne og med en spesiell struktur på lamellene som alltid lar deg ha full kontroll på styret ditt! 



"What I like most about this grip is that it always does what it should!
Perfect grip, feedback and damping even when it's hard and rough.
The width and the diameter fit perfectly to my hands and the Lock Rings with the Chip Bar Ends have taken any abuse I put onto them so far! "

-Nico Vink

- Grip pattern: Reverse lamellar
- Diameter: Ø 30 mm
- Width: 130 mm
- Weight: 109 g (+/- 5% weight tolerance)
- Material: Reverse medium compound / aluminium (lock rings + chip bar-ends)



Nico Vink Handlebar

Pris 979,00 kr
Ink mva. :D Frakt kalkuleres ved utsjekk.

Nico stoler på dette styret!
Uansett om det er Red Bull rampage, Fest Series events eller på stisykkelen.

Dette ekstra tykke styret er designet for lek, og å være 
så sterkt som mulig. Det er hvorfor SAMTLIGE syklister i Fest Series bruker det.

Reverse har laget styret etter Nico Vink sine egne spesifikasjoner og preferanser,
derav bærer det hans logo.

Styret tilbys i tre forskjellige variasjoner med 31.8mm clamp.
18, 35 og 48mm rise - 48mm styret er det samme som Nico bruker på sine sykler.

Martin hos oss har også brukt dette styret i over ett år, på alt fra utfor til sti og dirt jump. Ønsker du innspill og tips på hva slags rise du burde ha? Ikke nøl med å kontakte oss!


“There is no other part on my Bike I have to rely on more than the handlebar. And I have absolute trust in this one!
Thanks to the different Rise options it perfectly fits on all of my different Bikes "

-Nico Vink

- Width: 810 mm
- Ø: 31.8 mm
- Rise: 18 mm
- Upsweep: 5°
- Backsweep: 7°
- Weight: 389 g (+/- 5% weight tolerance)
- Material: Aluminium 7075 (double butted)

- Extra reinforced 7075 Aluminium for highest resistance to stress
- Cutting lines: for orientation when shortening the handlebar
- Reverse stem alignment lines: for orientation when mounting on the stem


Nico Vink - Shovel and Shred Saddle

Pris 699,00 kr
Ink mva. :D Frakt kalkuleres ved utsjekk.
Nico er kjent for store hopp og kompromissløs kjørestil.

Han trengte et sete som var solid, og med en form som ville gi maksimal bevegelighet, og samtidig være lett å klemme knærne rundt ved triks.

Setet er forsterket med kevlar på utsatte steder, og gir en perfekt blanding av frihet og kontroll på sykkelen.

Martin hos oss har også brukt dette setet i over ett år, på alt fra utfor til sti og dirt jump. 
Setet gjør alt det som det sier at det skal, men det er også overraskende digg på stisykkel, og man kan bruke det som et faktisk sete, ikke bare for freeride!


"I love this saddle. It gives me the freedom of movement that I need on my bike to move it the way I want !”

-Nico Vink

- Length: 235 mm
- Width: 127 mm
- Weight: 260 g (+/- 5% weight tolerance)
- Material: CrMo (frame) / kevlar (edge protection) / vinyl (saddle cover)


Reverse - Base plattformpedal

Pris 899,00 kr
Ink mva. :D Frakt kalkuleres ved utsjekk.

BASE *untz untz untz*

Brei og masse grep!
Base er Reverse sin nyeste pedal, og over 20 år med erfaring har kulminert i dette produktet, så det passer bedre, og varer lengre.

Reverse sine egenutviklede "Baurillium" foringer sørger for at pedalen varer lenge, og krever ekstremt lite vedlikehold.

En stor konkav platform sørger for at foten din sitter godt i pedalen.

Uansett om du driver med utfor, freeride, dirt, pumptrack eller bare sykler.. dette er en DIGG pedal som du kan stole på at vil vare lenge.


Reverse Can Holder

Pris 299,00 kr
Ink mva. :D Frakt kalkuleres ved utsjekk.

Reverse Can Holder er designet for bokser med en kapasitet på 0,33 liter. 

Denne can holderen er et blikkfang, enten på stien eller i bike parken. Ingenting er vel bedre enn en forfriskende tørsteslukker etter en flott dag på sykkelen. Med vinden til å kjøle ned, smaker drikken dobbelt så godt når den er festet i holderen.

Can Holderen er et resultat av samarbeidet mellom Reverse Components og Team Dosenbier. Mekanismen på undersiden av holderen gjør det enkelt å klikke boksen inn og ut, selv etter de tøffeste nedstigningene.

Takket være 3D-Print, har vi oppnådd en lett, men samtidig stabil og funksjonell konstruksjon. I tillegg til å feste en boks, har Can Holderen to ekstra guider for zip ties, noe som gjør det mulig å feste annet utstyr (for eksempel en slange) til holderen.


  • Vekt: 22 g (+/- 5 % vekttoleranse)
  • Dimensjoner: 140 x 25 x 65 mm (L x B x H)
  • Materiale: Høy styrke 3D-Printet PLA
  • Holder: Standard flaskeholder
Kjedeolje - GiraSykkel


Pris 199,00 kr
Ink mva. :D Frakt kalkuleres ved utsjekk.

Renthal chain lube is 100% lubricant, zero propellant. So this new 250ml bottle size combines high performance and value.

The all-new formula Chain Lube is specially designed to penetrate all parts of the chain. The high film strength and stable viscosity, across a range of temperatures, gives superb adhesion and anti-fling properties.

This all-condition lube is compatible with all o-ring, non o-ring and cycle chains. Our new twist-nozzle allows for accurate application, to ensure full coverage and protection.

Renthal Chain Lube helps increase chain, chainring and sprocket life and maximises power transfer.


Peaty's Suspension Grease 75 gr

Pris 249,00 kr
Ink mva. :D Frakt kalkuleres ved utsjekk.

Peaty’s suspension grease as a lithium-free grease specifically developed for use in suspension forks, rear shocks and dropper seatposts. Non-toxic, transparent, clean-running and highly resistant to water washout, our grease has added corrosion inhibitors and is compatible with all elastomers, o-rings, seals and oil baths.

Moving parts create friction. this causes most greases to change in viscosity (known as shear thinning), which can rapidly change the feel & performance of your suspension. Our grease has been designed to have a controlled level of shear thinning which means your suspension will feel consistently plush throughout your ride or race run. This then also makes it non-migratory which means it stays where you put it!


- For suspension forks, rear shocks & dropper posts
- Controlled shear thinning for consistent plush performance
- Non-migratory so stays where you put it!
- Biodegradable
- 100% PCR & PIR recycled packaging
- M15 threaded cap
- Capacity: 75g

- Apply according to suspension manufacturer's instructions.



Peaty's Bicycle Assembly Grease 100gr

Pris 179,00 kr
Ink mva. :D Frakt kalkuleres ved utsjekk.

For general use in headsets, bottom brackets, bolts and axles, Peaty’s Bicycle assembly grease uses the latest generation of base oils and additives to provide long-lasting, low friction performance under extreme pressures.

- Keeps your bike running quieter & smoother for longer
- Long-lasting lubrication under extreme loads
- High resistance to water washout
- Anti-corrosion protection
- Readily biodegradable
- Carbon safe
- 100% recycled packaging
- Capacity: 100g

1) Fully degrease & dry parts to be greased.
2) For removal of waterproof bearing greases use our XXX Solvent Degreaser.
3) Apply grease using a gloved finger, M15 threaded grease gun or paintbrush.
4) Reassemble parts and wipe away any excess grease with a clean cloth.

Utsolgt :(

Nico Vink Setepinne

Pris 599,00 kr
Ink mva. :D Frakt kalkuleres ved utsjekk.


Når Nico ba om en setepinne som var bombesikker og lett å justere var det nettopp 
dette Reverse lagde for han!

Nico trenger komponenter han kan stole på under alle omstendigheter, og takket være det nye festehodet er det nå ekstra enkelt å finjustere vinkler og seteposisjon.
Denne alumiumssetepinnen et så robust at når det ble testet i et EFBE labratorie måtte de skru av test apparatet slik at maskinen ikke skulle bli ødelagt!



 "Thanks to the super fine adjustment possibilities and the easy-to-use seat post head, I can adjust my saddle perfectly. Besides that, I like the robustness of my seat-post!"

-Nico Vink

- Length: 350 mm
- Ø: 30.9/31,6 mm
- Weight: 269 g (+/- 5% weight tolerance)
- Material: Aluminium



Peaty's Max Grip Carbon Ass. Paste 75gr

Pris 149,00 kr
Ink mva. :D Frakt kalkuleres ved utsjekk.

Ideal for use on carbon fibre handlebars, stems and seat posts, our carbon assembly paste is a specially formulated blend of 100% renewable, natural oils and ultra-fine non-slip pumice particles. Designed to eliminate slip between carbon fibre components, Gripper paste increases the friction between carbon fibre components and their mating surfaces, so reducing the torque required to clamp them. Our non-toxic formula is also resistant to detergents and washout to give you long-lasting performance in the harshest conditions.

- For use in race wheel bearings, bottom brackets and fast moving parts
- Anti-corrosion protection
- Long-lasting lubrication under extreme loads
- Anti-corrosion protection
- High resistance to water washout
- Carbon safe
- 100% Recycled packaging

1) Using a clean cloth or brush, apply gripper paste to both surfaces of the clamping area.
2) Immediately assemble and tighten clamps according to manufacturer’s instructions.
3) Wipe off any excess.

Peaty's LinkLube All-Weather Premium 120ml

Pris 219,00 kr
Ink mva. :D Frakt kalkuleres ved utsjekk.
Born in the lab and raised between the tapes, Peaty's Link Lube is a minty fresh, triple distilled, ultra high speed chain oil for use in all conditions.

Our unique two-part formula penetrates and cleans deep inside your chain, driving out moisture, grit and grime and replacing them with unique blend of oils and waxes (Peaty's secret sauce) to lubricate and protect. Yes, you read that correctly... Peaty's Link Lube actually cleans your chain as you use it!

You'll see that when your bottle of LinkLube has been sat still for a while, it will settle with the clear base lube on top and a mystery blue secret sauce slowly falling to the bottom of the bottle. Fear not! This is an important feature which enables our lube to be used in all weather conditions.

The secret sauce is a unique compound of oils and waxes which are usually only found individually in either wet or dry lubes. With a lot of hard work in the lab, we’ve managed to blend them together into a single super lube which can provide incredible long-lasting protection in the wet, while remaining uncharacteristically clean in dry and dusty conditions.

The clear base lube is an anti-corrosive, fast penetrating, water displacing oil which - when shaken up with the secret sauce - will find its way into every nook and cranny of your chain. Once it reaches the inner depths of your chain links, the base oil will drive out moisture, grit and grime and leave behind the special sauce to reduce friction, reduce vibration and reduce drivetrain noise.

Science Yo!
When LinkLube is first used on a used (but seemingly clean) drivetrain, the chain may go black pretty quick. Uh oh, don’t panic! This is actually the LinkLube pushing out grime that has been hiding away inside your rollers.

Simply keep degreasing and re-applying and, over a few rides, your chain will eventually run truly clean once again!

1) Fully degrease drivetrain before applying fresh lube to ensure THERE IS NO OLD CHAIN OIL PRESENT. For best results, use our Foaming Drivetrain Degreaser or XXX Solvent Degreaser to remove stubborn FACTORY greases IN THE CASE OF BRAND NEW CHAINS.
2) Ensure you thoroughly rinse your chain with clean water after degreasing (degreaser is designed to eat chain oil after all).
3) Remove as much water as you can from the chain.
4) Give the bottle a good shake to evenly distribute the secret sauce.
5) Apply the lube while cycling the chain backwards (eBikes will need to be pedalled forwards in a stand) ensuring every link is adequately covered.
6) Keep cycling the chain for 10seconds or so to help the lube work its way into your chain.
7) Thoroughly wipe away all excess lube from your chain using a clean cloth (excess oil on the outside of the chain will attract dust in dry conditions).

- For wet weather conditions, leave a small amount of lube on the outside of the chain for longer-lasting protection.
- On first use with pre-used chains, you may find that your chain turns black. This is the LinkLube driving out grime from deep in your chain. Just keep riding, degreasing, lubing and repeating until your chain runs shiny clean once more!

Do not get LinkLube (or any lube for that matter!) on your brakes or brake pads.
Utsolgt :(

Nico Vink Mudfender

Pris 149,00 kr
Ink mva. :D Frakt kalkuleres ved utsjekk.
Gjørmeskjerm. Den gjør det den skal. 
Monter med strips, og gi gass!